State of Illinois Real Estate Classes

Launch a successful Real Estate career! Our online & classroom courses are here to help you succeed!

Licensing Courses

Broker In Person Classes – $549
8 instructor-led In-person Classroom Sessions, plus studying on your own.

Broker All-Online – $499
60-Hours of self-study, followed by 4 live webinars covering Applied Measurement Principles.

Residential Leasing Agent Course – $189
15-hour pre-license leasing agent course. 100% online.




Additional Classes

All Day Review Class – $109
Extra review session before taking the state exam.

Post-License Courses – $280
This full package, offered through The CE Shop, includes all 45 Post-Licensing hours needed for Illinois broker licensees renewing their license for the first time.

Professional Development – **NEW**
Advance your career and hone your skills by learning about the newest trends, techniques, and industry practices. Offered through The CE Shop.  

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